Thursday, August 16, 2007

Getting caught up...Class 105

Back with a week five update. This week's assignment was to make Stu devastated and have a ball squash and stretch it's way around an obstacle course and come to a stop on it's own.

My Stu looked skyward. I found it hard to not find an overworked pose or idea for devastated. I mean if you were able look at all the poses from other students they very similar. Heads in hands and such. My reference photo was of a little Arab boy who is in far more hurt than I could get Stu to convey.

The boy in the white and blue striped shirt.

Stu's ginourmous head made that pose impossible. So decided to have him look up as I had seen in some other photos I referenced. Looking up for some spiritual answers to the disaster.

Stu "devastated."

For my ball on the obstacle course Dana pointed out that the ball doesn't anticipate it's roll forward, the midair pause as the ball drops, the bad arcs as the ball bounces and the big fact that I failed to pay attention to the instructions of the assignment and have the ball come to a stop by itself. Ouch. All very true things. Not to mention that the completed version didn't resemble any of my thumbnail sketches. Which makes sense to me as the original idea which I posted before was too long, before it was properly timed out. An idea struck me at night and hurriedly threw it together.

Stu's problems come from my seeming obsession with putting the camera on the ground to look at my subject. With his crossed legs it's hard to get a clear idea of what is actually happening. Put the camera in the air and more negative space is made. Oy!

So that's the down and dirty recap of Class 105.

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