Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Yay! He now has hands and feet. So he's finished. I've made the executive decision to make him the silent sidekick. Which just leaves an evil villain-in-training.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

So quick note...

S0 I rock, and modeled the character I designed for my evil villain. He just doesn't have a name yet. Here he is...I'll post my sketches of him later including his dry erase board origins.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Video thumbnail. Click to play
Click to Play
move I say

Yawn3, this is as far as I've gotten

Yes, I am aware that the nut and butt scratch go by way too fast. It will be corrected.


Yawn block

You've just viewed the all of my yawning Package Man to his latest polished state. Look at my progression. Mmm.

Pitch 3

Here's  a cleaner version of the pitch. It's not finished but it feels better than the last one.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So here's package man again, from rigging101.com. This time he's actually showing a reason for his being in his underwear. In a good old fashioned yawn. The worst part of animating a yawn is not being able to stop myself from yawning while thinking about yawns. This is really rough blocking and the timing is waaaaay to fast. But the overlap is there; some of it at least.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The pitch, pt 2

So here's my baseball pitch thrown into the polishing stage. (I have many more great plays on words, sadly.) The timing is more refined in this one as well as many many reworkings of arcs and rotations. Most rotation issues were brazenly visible once Alfred was smoothed and were all in the throwing arm. Once again Alfred is a model/rig free from Rodri Torres.

The pitch

Continuing in the vein of Class 2 Body Mechanics assignments from Animation Mentor here is my blocking of a pitch. It's hard for me to understand why people who don't know how to pitch a baseball didn't look to the internets for good video reference. Also I didn't quite realize all of the rotations involved with throwing a baseball let alone pitching. The model here is a freebie from Rodri Torres and is a pleasure to animate.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Walk Cycle

Courtesy of Eric Westlund's amazing, and so far 2 part, tutorial on walk cycles I've started my decent back into the shiny depths of body mechanics. The model is from www,rigging101.com he is Package Man.

Jumping bloke

This is the rough keyframe blocking of a jump using the Bloke rig from Jason Baskin.

Jumping bloke, pt 2

This is the polishing stage, taken out of stepped with breakdowns and better timing. Bloke courtesy of Jason Baskin. Erik's tutorial seemed to have provided me with additional insight to animating. Hooray Erik! Hooray body mechanics!