Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Class 107 - SURPISE!!!

Welcome back, myself included. I have to today, just for you all, a special treat. Marshmallows, you ask? Nope, while I love them, it's better than that. A nice cup of hot cocoa? Nyet. A princess cut diamond? Not even close. Today's surprise is...a new post. The gift that keeps on giving even on the ninth day of Channukah.

In today's episode, Dana critiques my last assignment and I write out my disdain for one of the new characters, Tailor - also called Flippy by an unnamed asian. This week I actually did two animations and just submitted the one. One of my problems is that my ideas tend to need more frames than what I'm given. Which goes back to me needing to keep my ideas and my assignments seperate. The one animation features one-leg, really easy to pick out, with a cameo from Tailor/Flippy. The animation that I turned to Dana featured Tailor/Flippy with a cameo by one-leg. Arguably, one-leg's presence is a bit stronger than a cameo in the second video.

What did Dana have to say about Tailor/Flippy's untimely demise. Well, she said that his tail looks a bit stiff while at times it flows as it should on the whole it doesn't. Also I need to put hang time into my arcs. This is something she keeps repeating and I keep forgetting. Also the part in the middle where he is under one-leg she felt didn't read well, and she's right. (She's earning her pay.) Tag all that with some minor overlap issues and that about covers the assignment. My revision she said was spot on. WOOT!

I know I already gave you one surprise but I have another.

It's Dana.

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